Greenman Cage & Terrarium Cleaner, Deodorizer - 200ml

Greenman Cage & Terrarium Cleaner, Deodorizer - 200ml


  • £4.81

To reduce the unpleasant odors caused by pets. From natural ingredients - non-toxic - biodegradable formulation

Greenman Ketrec, Kalitka and Terrárium Deodorizer is a safe concentrate made of natural ingredients that eliminates unpleasant smells and helps maintain a healthy microbiological balance in the environment of small animals in cages, cages, and terrariums.

It contains millions of probiotic, beneficial microorganisms to help protect against the growth of pathogens.

Directions for use: Spraying several times a day or several times daily, first of all on drainage points in the cage, cage, and terrarium. When cleaning, spray the cage, cage, terrarium and let it dry before insertion of the litter. The spray does not pose a risk to the pet, but when it is applied it removes the animal from its habitat.

Composition of the preparation:

Purified water, Greenman microorganisms, bio sugar cane molasses, fermented grain bran, rock meal, sea salt.